The Clam is delaying posting today’s humorous piece by Brooke Welty until we feel we’ve berated enough of you to go vote in today’s primary.
So go do that. Polls open at 7.
polling locations:
Ward 1 Precinct 1 Ward 1 Precinct 2
East Gloucester Elementary School Veterans Memorial School
8 Davis Street Extension 11 Webster Street
Ward 2 Precinct 1 Ward 2 Precinct 2
Our Lady’s Youth Center Our Lady’s Youth Center
140 Prospect Street 140 Prospect Street
(Changed from McPherson Park
to Our Lady’s Youth Center
on 10/01/2012)
Ward 3 Precinct 1 Ward 3 Precinct 2
Gloucester HIgh School Field House Gloucester High School Field House
36 Leslie O’Johnson Rd 36 Leslie O’Johnson Rd
please note above is a WARD 3 Polling location change as of July 2014
Ward 4 Precinct 1 Ward 4 Precinct 2
Beeman Memorial School Lanesville Community Center
138 Cherry Street 8 Vulcan Street
Ward 5 Precinct 1 Ward 5 Precinct 2
Magnolia Library Center Magnolia LIbrary Center
1 Lexington Avenue 1 Lexington Ave
above is a 5-2 location change
as of July 2014
“Vote, humans. Or the robots will elect an electro-president who will destroy us all.”
Didn’t that happen in 2000, already?
Is Richard Nixon’s Head on the ballot yet?
Jimmy’s South Boston roots are showing. Not sure there’s that kind of party discipline these days my friend, but love that you’re trying. No Brooke, we’ll probably just change the channel.